
General platinum cataract surgery

ניתוח קטרקט כללית פלטינום

Cataract surgery is one of the most common surgical procedures in the world of medicine, and its purpose is to improve the quality of vision and the quality of life of patients suffering from clouding of the lens. At Klalit Platinum Clinics, cataract surgeries are performed by a team of ophthalmology specialists, using the most advanced technologies and the highest standards of medical care. Cataract surgery in general Platinum offers patients personalized services, which include close medical support from the preliminary examinations to the follow-up after the surgery, with the aim of ensuring the success of the surgery and a quick and safe recovery.

What is cataract surgery and why is it important ?

Cataract surgery is a surgical procedure that aims to remove the natural lens of the eye that has become cloudy and replace it with a clear artificial lens. The process of clouding of the lens, called cataract, usually occurs with age and is the leading cause of decreased visual acuity in older people. Cataracts cause blurred vision, glare, decreased color sharpness and sometimes pain in the eye.

The importance of cataract surgery lies in a significant improvement in the quality of vision of the patients. After surgery, patients enjoy sharper and clearer vision, an improvement in the ability to perform daily activities such as reading, driving and watching television, and a general improvement in quality of life. This surgery not only improves the ability to see clearly, but also reduces the risk of falls and accidents caused by poor vision.

The surgery is particularly important because it can prevent further deterioration of vision and preserve the patients’ quality of life. With the help of the advanced technologies and the expert medical staff at Klalit Platinum Clinics, it is possible to guarantee excellent and safe results for patients, and restore to them the ability to enjoy everyday life in an optimal way.


Cataract surgery at Klalit Platinum Clinics offers patients many and varied advantages that guarantee the success of the surgery and the complete satisfaction of the patients. First, the surgery is performed by a team of ophthalmology specialists with extensive experience in the field, which ensures a high level of professionalism and personalized treatment for each patient.

Second, the cataract surgeries at Klalit Platinum Clinics are performed using the most advanced technologies, which allows greater precision in removing the cataract and implanting the artificial lens. The use of these technologies reduces the risk of complications and improves the results of the surgery.

Another advantage is the personalized service provided by Klalit Platinum. Patients receive close medical support throughout the entire process, from the preliminary tests to the follow-up after surgery, which ensures continuous and comprehensive treatment. Also, patients benefit from quick and available access to medical services, which shortens the waiting time for surgery and improves the treatment experience.

Finally, Klalit Platinum offers patients a wide selection of artificial lenses, including premium lenses that fix a cylinder or multifocal lenses, which allows for optimal adaptation to the individual needs of each patient and improves the quality of vision after surgery.

The advanced technologies in Cataract surgery generally platinum

At Klalit Platinum Clinics, cataract surgeries are performed using the most advanced technologies in the field of ophthalmology. One of the prominent technologies is the use of a laser to segment the cloudy lens and remove it. This technology enables maximum precision in the surgical procedure, reduces the risk of damage to the adjacent tissues and improves the results of the surgery.

In addition, Klalit Platinum uses advanced equipment for pre-operative measurements, which allows accurate data to be obtained on the structure of the eye and the lens. This data helps the doctor to make an accurate planning of the surgery and to adapt the type of artificial lens to the patient in an optimal way.

Another technology applied in cataract surgeries is the 3D imaging system, which allows the doctor to see the structure of the eye in real time during the surgery and perform the procedure more precisely. This system improves the doctor’s ability to deal with complex situations and guarantees better results.

Also, Klalit Platinum offers advanced artificial lenses, including premium lenses that fix cylinders and multifocal lenses. These lenses are manufactured using state-of-the-art technologies and provide sharper and clearer vision after surgery, while being customized to the patient’s needs.

The combination of a professional team of experts and advanced technologies ensures that patients at Klalit Platinum Clinics will receive the best possible treatment, with excellent results and a significant improvement in the quality of vision and life.

ניתוח קטרקט כללית פלטינום

The stages of the process in general platinum cataract surgery

Cataract surgery at Klalit Platinum Clinics is performed in three main stages, each of which is important for ensuring the success of the surgery and improving vision.

In the first stage, the patient undergoes pre-operative tests in the pre-operative clinic. The tests include a comprehensive eye examination and precise measurements of the eye. This data allows the doctor to plan the surgery precisely and adjust the type of artificial lens to the patient. During this meeting, the doctor will give detailed explanations about the procedure, answer questions and discuss the various options with the patient.

In the second stage, the surgery itself is performed under local anesthesia, so the patient is awake but does not feel pain. The surgery includes the use of laser technology to make precise cuts in the eye, segmenting the cloudy lens and removing it. After removing the natural lens, the doctor implants a clear artificial lens in its place. The entire operation lasts on average about 20 minutes and does not require hospitalization.

In the third and last stage, there is follow-up and recovery after the operation. The patient stays in the clinic for a short time for tests and is then released home with detailed instructions for further treatment. The medical follow-up lasts for several weeks and includes periodic tests to make sure that the artificial lens is well adjusted and that there are no complications.

Preparations before cataract surgery

Preparations before cataract surgery at Klalit Platinum Clinics are important to ensure the success of the surgery and a quick recovery. The preparations begin with pre-operative examinations in the pre-operative clinic, where the patient undergoes comprehensive eye examinations and measurements of the eye. This data is essential for planning the surgery and fitting the artificial lens to the patient.

As part of the preparations, the doctor will meet with the patient to explain the steps of the surgery, discuss the lens options and answer any questions or concerns. It is important that the patient understands the process and feels comfortable before the surgery.

On the day of surgery, you must avoid eating and drinking a few hours before the procedure, in accordance with the doctor’s instructions. It is recommended to come to the clinic accompanied by an escort, since it is not possible to drive immediately after the operation. Also, remove makeup and wash your face well to prevent infections.

The doctor will prescribe eye drops for use before and after surgery. They must be used according to the instructions to prevent inflammation and infections and ensure a quick recovery. After surgery, it is important to avoid strenuous activities and direct contact with the eye to allow the eye to heal optimally.

The careful preparations and the close follow-up after the surgery ensure that the patients will receive the best treatment and recover quickly and safely.

The surgical process in general platinum cataract surgery

The surgical process in cataract surgery at the Platinum General Clinics begins with preparing the patient for the procedure under local anesthesia. The patient remains awake during the operation but does not feel pain, which allows him to communicate with the surgeon.

In the first stage of the operation, the doctor uses advanced laser technology to make precise cuts in the eye. The laser enables precise cutting of the cloudy lens into small pieces that can be easily removed. This technology allows greater precision compared to traditional manual methods and reduces the risk of damage to nearby tissues.

In the next step, the cloudy lens is removed from the eye using gentle suction, and the process is carried out through the small incisions made in the eye. The doctor then implants a clear artificial lens in place of the removed natural lens. The artificial lens is customized to the patient’s needs and enables a significant improvement in visual acuity.

The entire operation usually takes about 20 minutes and does not require hospitalization. At the end of the procedure, the patient is transferred to the recovery room for an initial follow-up and to make sure that everything is in order before being discharged home.

Recovery and convalescence after cataract surgery General Platinum

Recovery and convalescence after cataract surgery at Klalit Platinum Clinics are relatively quick and comfortable processes. Immediately after the operation, the patient is discharged home with detailed instructions for the continuation of the treatment. The doctor will prescribe eye drops to be used for several weeks after the operation, in order to prevent infections and reduce inflammation.

In the first days after surgery, it is important to avoid strenuous activities and avoid direct contact with the operated eye. It is recommended to wear eye protection while sleeping to protect the eye from accidental injury. Patients may experience sensations of itching or a feeling of a foreign body in the eye, but these are natural sensations of the recovery process and can be controlled with the prescribed drops.

Vision gradually improves during the first weeks after surgery. Most patients report a significant improvement in visual acuity in the first few days, and can return to normal daily activities within a few days. It is important to follow the medical instructions and participate in the follow-up tests scheduled with the doctor to make sure that the recovery is carried out properly.

During the medical follow-up, the doctor will check the condition of the eye and the suitability of the artificial lens. If there are any side effects or unusual signs, this should be reported to the attending physician immediately. Adherence to the treatment guidelines and close follow-up ensure a quick and safe recovery process, with optimal visual results.

ניתוח קטרקט כללית פלטינום

Results and potential risks in general platinum cataract surgery

Cataract surgery at Klalit Platinum Clinics often yields excellent results, with a significant improvement in the patients’ visual acuity and quality of life. After surgery, most patients experience clearer and sharper vision, with less glare and glare, and improved daily functioning. The excellent results are due to the use of the most advanced technologies and the high skill of the medical staff at Klalit Platinum Clinics.

However, as with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks, although they are very rare. Possible risks include infections, inflammation, increased intraocular pressure, retinal detachment, and displacement of the artificial lens. In very rare cases, decreased vision may occur.

It is important to observe the medical follow-up after the operation and to report any unusual symptoms to the attending physician. At Klalit Platinum Clinics, all possible steps are taken to reduce risks and ensure a quick and safe recovery process. The careful preparations before the operation, the high skill of the doctors and the use of advanced technologies contribute to reducing the risks and achieving optimal results.

Patients’ experiences in general platinum cataract surgery

The experiences of patients undergoing cataract surgery at Klalit Platinum Clinics are impressive and testify to the high level of care and professionalism of the medical staff. Many patients report a smooth and comfortable process, from the preliminary tests to the follow-up after surgery. Many of them note the sense of safety and trust they experience during the entire process.

Patients tell about the significant improvement in vision already in the first days after the operation. Sensations of color clarity, visual acuity and improvement in the ability to perform daily activities such as reading, driving and watching television are some of the common results that patients experience after surgery.

The professionalism and empathy of the team of doctors and nurses contribute to a positive treatment experience. The patients appreciate the detailed explanations, the close supervision and the feeling that they are in good hands. Many note the convenience and safety of using the laser technology, which enables quick recovery and less pain.

Patients also tell about the staff’s attention to small details, such as giving clear instructions for continuing treatment at home and the doctors’ availability to answer questions after surgery. The combination of high medical skill, advanced technologies and an empathetic approach to the patient contributes to positive and successful experiences in cataract surgery at Klalit Platinum Clinics.

Doctors specializing in cataract surgery generally platinum

Klalit Platinum Clinics employs specialist doctors with extensive experience and high skill in the field of cataract surgery. The leading doctors have extensive training in ophthalmology and have rich experience in performing cataract surgery using the most advanced technologies, including laser surgery. The medical team specializes in providing personal and professional care to each patient, while making sure that the treatment is tailored to their personal and health needs.

The doctors at Platinum General are regularly updated on the most advanced technologies and treatment methods in the world, and are careful about further training and professional courses to improve their knowledge and skills. The extensive knowledge and experience of the medical staff allow them to deal with a wide variety of medical conditions and provide patients with the best care.

In addition to their technical skill, the doctors at Platinum General are known for their empathetic and attentive approach to patients. They make sure to provide detailed explanations about the procedure, answer all questions and concerns, and provide close support throughout the entire process from the preliminary tests to the post-surgery follow-up. This approach contributes to the patients’ sense of security and comfort and improves the overall treatment experience.

Frequently asked questions about general platinum cataract surgery

How is Cataract Surgery in the Platinum Rule different from traditional surgery?

Cataract surgery is generally performed using advanced technologies such as lasers, which allow greater precision and more precise cuts compared to traditional methods. The use of this technology reduces the risk of complications and shortens the recovery time.

What are the advantages of Cataract surgery in general platinum?

The advantages include greater precision in the surgical procedure, reducing the risk of infections and other complications, a shorter recovery time, and a significant improvement in the patient’s visual acuity and quality of life. In addition, the personalized service in the Platinum General guarantees close medical support throughout the entire process.

How long does Cataract surgery last at Platinum General?

The surgery itself lasts on average about 20 minutes, but the total time in the clinic may be longer due to the preparations before the surgery and the follow-up after it.

Is cataract surgery in general platinum painful?

The operation is performed under local anesthesia, so the patient does not feel pain during the procedure. There may be feelings of slight discomfort after the operation, but these can be controlled with the help of medicines prescribed by the doctor.

What is the recovery period after cataract surgery in general platinum?

The recovery period is usually quick. Most patients experience a significant improvement in visual acuity in the first few days and can return to normal daily activities within a few days. It is important to follow the doctor’s instructions and participate in the follow-up tests.

Are there any risks in platinum general cataract surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks, but they are very rare. Possible risks include infections, inflammation, increased intraocular pressure, and retinal detachment. It is important to be under medical supervision and report any unusual symptoms.

How to choose the right artificial lens?

The choice of the artificial lens is made jointly with the doctor, based on the patient’s personal needs, his medical condition and the type of activities he performs on a daily basis. The doctor will explain the different types of lenses and help choose the best option.

Comparison between general platinum cataract surgery and other methods

Cataract surgery in general Platinum excels in the use of the most advanced technologies in the field, including laser technology to make precise cuts and remove the cataract. The use of a laser ensures greater precision compared to traditional methods that use manual cutting tools. The laser technology reduces the risk of complications such as inflammation and infections, and enables a faster recovery.

In addition, Klalit Platinum offers a personalized service to patients, from the preliminary tests to the follow-up after the operation. This service includes close medical accompaniment, detailed explanations and answers to all the patient’s questions and concerns. Other methods may offer less support and guidance throughout the process.

Another advantage of platinum general cataract surgery is the wide variety of artificial lenses available. In general platinum you can choose between premium lenses that fix cylinder and multifocal lenses, which are customized to the needs of the patient, while other methods may offer more limited options.

How to choose the right artificial lens in cataract surgery

The choice of the artificial lens is an important step in cataract surgery, and it affects the results of the vision after the surgery. There are several types of artificial lenses, and each of them suits different needs of the patient.

  1. The monofocal lenses are the most common type and allow sharp vision for a certain distance. Patients who undergo surgery with monofocal lenses may still need glasses for reading or near distances.
  2. The multifocal lenses allow good vision at different distances, including near and far vision, which reduces the need to use glasses after surgery. These lenses are especially suitable for patients who want multifocal vision.
  3. Toric lenses are lenses designed to correct astigmatism (cylinder). They enable sharper vision for patients suffering from this problem and significantly improve visual acuity.

To choose the most suitable lens, consult with the treating doctor at Klalit Platinum Clinics. The doctor will perform comprehensive examinations of the eye and discuss with the patient his personal needs, the types of daily activities he performs and the desired results from the surgery. After collecting all the required information, the doctor will recommend the most suitable lens for the patient.

Choosing the right artificial lens is critical to ensuring successful results and a significant improvement in the quality of vision and life after cataract surgery.

Summary: The future of cataract surgery is generally platinum

The future of cataract surgery in general looks promising and exciting, with advanced technological developments and constant improvements in surgical techniques. Klalit Platinum Medical Center continues to lead in the field of ophthalmology, focusing on providing high-quality, safe and personalized care to each patient.

The medical staff at Klalit Platinum Clinics continues to keep up to date with the latest technologies and the latest research in the field of cataract surgery. The use of advanced technologies such as lasers and advanced imaging software enables maximum precision in the surgical procedure, reducing risks and improving the visual results after surgery.

In addition, future developments in artificial lenses are expected to further improve the quality of vision of patients, with an emphasis on personal adjustment to the unique needs of each patient. The multifocal and serial lenses continue to improve, allowing for sharp and clear vision at different distances and for patients with astigmatism.

The team at Klalit Platinum Clinics makes sure to provide personal and close support to patients throughout the entire process, from the preliminary tests to the follow-up after surgery. This approach contributes to improving the patient experience and ensuring optimal results.

Thanks to the combination of advanced technologies, skilled medical staff and a personal approach to the patient, Klalit Platinum continues to lead in the field of cataract surgery and promises a bright future for its patients. Patients can be sure that they are in the best hands and receive the most advanced and safest treatment available.

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